Created by best-selling author James Patterson, Kid Stew offers an eclectic mix of entertainment and education “by kids, about kids, and for kids.” With a focus on books, music, art, and science, this fun series inspires kids of all ages to explore the creative arts! We are proud to have provided mixing, sound design, and music editing for all the episodes of season 3, now airing on PBS. Our team is especially grateful for engaging, educational content for kids as we face the challenge of working and running “summer camp” from home. Check it out!

Produced by Fuxion TV
Music editing, sound design and mixing by Chaliwa


Last month, our team took on the new challenge of translating a web series into Hindi for the Indian market. Produced by Seeker of Group Nine Media, Sick takes a closer look at how diseases work inside the human body. Our team found this series particularly relevant as we all work to understand and navigate the global coronavirus pandemic.

Produced by Seeker
Translation and mixing by Chaliwa


De eso no se habla, translated as “we don’t talk about that,” is a new podcast series produced in Madrid, Spain by Isabel Cadenas Cañon and her team. It was proudly selected as part of PRX’s Google Podcasts creator program. Over the past few months, our team has been collaborating remotely with the De eso no se habla crew to give these stories of silence the nuanced audio treatment they deserve. Listen to the first episode, “Silencio de radio,” on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Produced by Isabel Cadenas Cañon and her team
Sound design and mixing by Chaliwa